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README file from "cap" directory

                        Simple capping demonstration

     This program renders capped and intersected objects.  It uses stencil
     and user-defined clipping planes to compute and light the internal 
     surfaces (where they are exposed by a clipping plane) and to highlight
     intersections of solids.  All in Just 1200 lines of code!


        When a polygonal surface representation of a solid object is
        clipped, the inside of the "solid" is revealed.  This
        program demonstrates a technique to "cap" the solid, so that
        it appears solid even when clipped.  In order to do this, it
        draws each object twice, once to render the visible surfaces,
        and again counting the number of accesses at each pixel.
        Finally, the clipping planes themselves are drawn, with pixels
        actually modified only where the pixel access count in the
        stencil buffer is odd (i.e. where the inside of a solid was

type "make demo" to run the program

Files of interest from "src/exampleCode/cap" directory




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a compressed tar image of the entire cap directory.

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